All posts in linz


pics from my hometown

“you never walk alone” was the title of a song, which accomplished a german tv-series a few years ago. but: you never walk alone also is a true statement for photographers – never walk without a cam. some carry more on their back, luckily that’s not the case with fuji-x-shooters :)

normally i travel by bike through my city, often visiting  the same places over and over again – like the danube haven (it’s not really big enough to call it a harbour). interestingly the same place present themselves always in a slightly manner or maybe it’s just a different mindshift, which causes this experience? besides of the nature influence of course, like weather or seasonal changes.

rf_20140223_DSCF1167.RAF_LR_devpart one – pics from my hometown – show some impressions from the warmer monthes. part two – hometown pics 2 –  is a small selection from january to march (2014) , allowing the photographer a different view at the danube due to naked trees. nothing very special, just some shots from scenes which immeadeatly get framed in my brain and which i regard worth a picture in my glass-story-gallery.


demolition lunzertrasse

ever since i owned a camera i have been fascinated by morbidity, by the passed glory. the demolition of the old working homes in th south of linz have been a perfect opportunity to capture some dramatic black & white picures – enjoy them all here in my gallery.


seit ich fotografiere war ich immer schon fasziniert von morbidität, von dingen, die eine prachtvolle vergangenheit hatten, einst in “glanz und glorie” einen schönen verwendungszweck zugeführt waren und nun dem verfall preisgegeben waren. das müssen keiner prachtbauten im engeren sinn sein, sondern schönheit findet sich auch im banalen, ganz alltäglichem wieder. vielleicht liegt es daran, dass vielen menschen die fantasie ihrer kindheit verloren geht, um aus teilen die vergangenheit wieder lebendig zu machen und neue abenteuer im kopf mit diesen bruchstücken auferstehen zu lassen.

nun bin ich nicht aktiv nach vergänglichem auf der suche, der abriss der geografisch isolierten, ehemaligen arbeiterhochhäusern im süden von linz bot jedoch eine tolle gelegenheit, den zahn der zeit im bild einzufangen. abendsonne, dramatisch wirkendes schwarz-weiß, sowie beginnendes blau der nacht ergeben facettenreiche möglichkeit die szenerie ins bild zusetzen.

hier gibt’s die bilder in meiner galerie, wer weiterführende hintergrundinformationen sucht – bittesehr: 1 | 2| 3


höhenrausch 4

rf_20140928_DSCF7959-1.RAF_LR_devthe “linzer höhenrausch” (thrill of heights) – which took place in it’s 4th edition in 2014 – really is one of my annual long awaited and favorite events in linz.
beside the cultural context and great ideas the artists came up with, it always has to offer some magnificent angles, structures and patterns – stuff i really enjoy to play with.

rf_20140928_DSCF7952-1.RAF_LR_devwaiting for sunny autumn weather last year postponed my vistiting date and i feared, that the event will close the doors before i had the opportunity too shoot, but finally the weather god had mercy with me at the end of september, allowing me and my family to take some fabulous pictures.

if you are interested in the various artistic installation, which can be seen in my pictures, then you might take a stop at the official homepage for some more information (in english).

please move on to my gallery to watch all images i’ve taken – enjoy!




rf_20140421_DSCF2119-1.RAF_LR_devthe “urfix”, which is the loving and colloquial abbreviation for “urfahraner jahrmarkt” – an amusement fair held twice a year in the northern part of linz (urfahr) since decades near the river danube – offers pretty much too shoot: forinstance as an street-art event with plenty of crowdy young people, long exposures in the night, freezing movements in stills or – as I did this year – as a still place with polished machinery before the big opening, offering deep and intense colors not often seen in such a static scenery. polished up a litte bit with the help of nik filters :)

watch the whole story my gallery.


the art of graffiti – linz 2013

i always connected grafitti with big cities like vienna, berlin, NY – overseeing the fact, that also linz seems to have a really vital scene – at least in terms of the speed the walls get overpainted ;-)

i became aware of some fabulous paintings in october ’13, while slendering along the river danube near the römerberg-tunnel and really was stunned about the high quality of the artwork. since then, i opened up my eyes, googled and found some more places – all of them officially released for graffiti paintings from the administration of linz – and even got in contact with some of the artists.

they paint as fast as i am able to take my shots, so they keep me rushing once a week through all the locations to document the goings-on.


as most of the paintings are done in pedestrian underpasses, photographers have to face with two imponderables – limited space and irregular lightning conditions.
the first thing simply can be surpassed with a wide angle lens. i mostly used the xf14 for taking the pictures, but somethimes wished to already own the forthcoming xf10-24 as tunnels offer limited possibilities to alter one’s own shooting position.
but i also like the pictures shot from a perspective view (with the xf18-55), as these add depth and a nice kind of athmospheric feeling, including the immediate surroundings like neon tubes, pedestrians and part of the floor and ceiling.

the different lightning conditions are a little bit more of a hard nut to crack. sure – the x-pro 1 is capable of delivering good high-iso shots, but the neonlights just burn in the night – making it even darker and more complicated during the daytime – and many of them are burned out, leaving dark areas on the walls and thus resulting in an unbalanced illumination.

a tripod of course can ease the problems, as well as using a flash – in my case a fuji ef-42 with soft bouncer – the latter with surprisingly good results compared to my old nikon d80-dslr with external metz af-48, although it also depends a lot on the colors used for the graffiti paintings itself. glossy silver or dark surfaces like brown and black deliver often unwanted bright spots during flashing, as the used acrylic spray print gets a highly smooth surface when dryed up reflecting light fairly well.


overall i’m quite pleased with the results i got and it’s in the nature of graffiti to produce punchy, colorful and highly saturated pictures, leaving plenty of room for post processing steps like applying b/w-conversion or trying out different film-simulation modi.
just in case you’re interested: the jpegs have been developed with corel’s aftershot (sometimes using sean m. pucket’s wonderful nostalgia plug-in), the raws undergone processing in LR5 with silver efex2. pictures in the gallery nearly all show the jpeg-version, as i am mostly quite pleased with the results i am able to obtain from them – so enjoy viewing them here..


so what about my new year-wish? linz, please give the boyz more space to paint!
and linz note:
there’s no fairy needed for fullfilling the wish to make all our lives a little bit more colorful – just a few more walls ;-)


“Guads Neichs” (= happy new year in upper austrian slang ;-) auch für euch Pius, Kosh, Syno, Keos, Hoek, Thys, Members of the One Two Crew, Method, Urag, ..


graffiti sessions commendastrasse

i sympathize with street artist!
they really are capable performers and show also  a great portion of enthusiasm – they live their vison – chapeau for that..

graffiti has always been my favorite street art, well that may have something to do with the visual experience:
bright and colorful, trendy, loud, 3-dimensional, abstract – and sometimes really deconstucted – including  a small portion of rebellion, all in all art not for the majorities  – most people even find it destructive – unbelievable ;-)

all properties also can appear in photography – so maybe that’s the connecting context for me?

in late october and short before christmas i barged into an painting session nearby my home, which gave me the possibility to shoot some athmospheric pictures, which you can view here in my gallery.

ich sympathisiere mit den strassenkünstlern!
das sind nicht nur richtige könner, sondern zeigen oftmals auch einen (manchmal unbelohnten) enthusiasmus, der eine wahre freude ist.

graffiti war immer schon meine bevorzugte strassenkunst und das hat wohl auch mit den zu graffiti assoziierten eigenschaften zu tun:
intensiv und farbenfroh, laut, poppig, 3-dimensional, abstrakt – manchmal sogar richtig schön zerlegt (dekomposition) – vermischt mit einer portion rebellion, alles in allem keine massentaugliche kunstform – einige empfinden diese herrlichen werke sogar zerstörerisch – unglaublich ;-)

all diese eigenschaften finden sich teilweise auch in der fotografie wieder – vielleicht ist das der mich zu graffiti verbindende kontext?

ende oktober und kurz vor weihnachten platzte ich in eine “malsession” ganz in der nähe meines zuhauses und hatte die gelegenheit ein parar “athmospärenphotos” [(c) by pius] zu schiessen, die hier in der gallerie zum ansehen bereitstehen.

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ps (1)
thanks to kosh for the “invitation” to watch the october session and thanks to pius for keeping me up-to-date!

ps (2)
i started to “document” some of the paintings in linz during the last two month, really exciting paintings – pictures will follow soon..

glass stories background image
© refro-to | all rights reserved | if your are interested in one of my pictures, please don\'t hesitate to contact me [see about]